sábado, 29 de março de 2014

Um pequeno vislumbre do curso avançado de pós.graduação deste ano @CBMA - Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental . Muitos convidados internos e externos à UM enriquecerão o curso. Mais informação brevemente disponível em http://cbma.bio.uminho.pt/.

Postgraduate Course “Bionanotechnology for diagnosis and therapy of cancer”

Coordination: Ana Preto
                      Andreia Gomes
Dates: 19th - 30th May 2014

Several concepts important for the development of nanobiodevices as potential solutions for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer will be approached. The course will focus on the production techniques necessary for target cancer cells as well as the tests necessary for product validation. The course will also give a broad overview on cancer and current cancer therapies and diagnosis. Practical sessions will give participants hands-on experience in testing nanoparticles against cancer cells.

Participants will participate in laboratory classes using cancer research models namely cancer derived cell lines for nanoparticle testing and validation.